Rollercoaster Tycoon Ipad Cheats Money

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To get more money, have a free entry price, and charge 5.00 for large rollercoasters, and the lower the intensity of the rollercoaster, go down 50 cents in price. RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic PC Money Making Cheat Guide.Okay it might be a cheat, it might be a bug I don't know. What I do know is there is no quicker way. Shaun the Sheep and Friends Arrive in RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch. January 22, 2021. RCT Touch – Halloween Update! October 21, 2020. RCT Touch – Six Flags Season 6! September 14, 2020. RCT Touch – Summer Season!

Get the latest RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes.

Go Go Go Karts

If you are good at making 'go karts' then listenup. If you make the number of laps 5 to 10, youwill have the excitment rating HIGH!!


Arid Hights Warning


In the scenario 'Arid Hights', your main concern is keping you park rating above 700. If you have a park rating below 700, you will recieve a warning that says if your park rating doesn't reach above 700, your park will closed down for good. Then you'll have to start all over again!

Making Bundles Money When You Start

When your just starting a park, make sure you build a rollercoaster to attract guests. Then build some thrill rides to contain the guests. Then, raise the park enterence fee to $15.00. Then, the money will pour in with the rollercoaster bringing in so many guests. This is the best way to start off a park.

Vertigo Views

On the scenario 'Vertigo Views' you can set thehyper coasters admission price up to 9 dollars.

Making Money For Coaster Building Challenges

In any scenario where you can't have a parkenterence fee and you need to build coasters tobeat the scenario,this will only work.Start off apark like you would for any park.Make alot ofmoney to pay off the bank loan of $15,000.ThenMake at least $5,000 after that and start on oneof the coasters you have to build or finishbuilding(like 'Volcania' for instance).This isthe easiest way to finish a coaster buildingscenario.

The Bottomless Pit

To extend your research by leaps and bounds, findGuest #1 and rename him 'E=MC2'. Then find guest#2 and rename him 'E=MC3'. The two will meet andbegin brainstorming. Shortly thereafter they willask to be hired on as the park’s researchdevelopers. Say 'yes' and pour your resourcesinto the think tank. The following year, researchand development will have grown by leaps andbounds. You will have all of the latest rides andnearly a billion dollars to spend!

Utopia At Mega Park

To unlock Mega Park, a scenario with a sprawlingplot of land and no objectives, you must completeall other scenarios.

Retain Ride Popularity

To retain a scary ride’s popularity, simplydelete a segment of track and replace it with thesame thing. The guests will be fooled intothinking that the amusement has been improved andwill continue flocking to it!

Receive A One Million Dollar Gift

To get lots of money for your park, close it downfor one full year! Afterwards, a man dressed in ablue suit and holding a clipboard will give you alittle “helpful money” ($1,000,000).

Maximizing Productivity Of Shops And Stalls

Location is the key to maximizing profits! Here are a few business tips: Don’t squeeze stores together. They will compete for customers and their prices will fall. Put shops and stalls near the rear of the park, NOT at the entrance. Once tired and hungry guestshave walked all the way to the back, they will be more than willing to pay higher prices for snacks.

Stinky Staff

Save Your Park From Disaster After A Ride Blows Up

When a ride in your park blows up, the icon forthat ride will automatically popo up on thescreen, no matter where you are in your park.When this happens, hit the pause button in thetop lefthand corner as soon as possible. Then onthe bottom right of the icon for the ride thatjust exploded, click the button with the four redarrows. This will take you to where itexploded. KEEP THE GAME PAUSED!!! Now hit theconstruction button that shows you your buildingoptions. Look for a cheap ride that people like,like a 3D cinema or a spiral slide. Unpause thegame and immediately build this dinky ride in thelocation of the ride that crashed. FOLLOWING ALLTHESE CONFUSING STEPS WILL KEEP YOUR PARK RATINGFROM DROPPING TOO MUCH!

Rollercoaster Tycoon Classic Cheats Infinite Money Ipad

Vandalism And Trash And Vomit

If you see a piece of path that has vandalism,trash or vomit on it, put a trash can there andhire a security guard. It helps!


Don't build big pretty gardens! (a few flowershere and there is great) but not really bigones! Once I built this really cool garden, andhalf my park (2,000 some)got all upset becausethey were getting lost even when they had aboutten maps!

Vandalism And Trash!

Many people will come in your park and get mad.(especially if you have alot of dead ends and bigpatches of path) Don't build lots of paths!It's a mess!

Get A Cool Desert Park Right After Opening!

On desert parks (especially Arid Heights), thosepoor people who come in long pants get hot. Butthey LOVE water rides. The first ride you shouldbuild is a Demon Drop. If you have LoopyLandscapes and are a tycoon know it all, youhopefully know what Demon Drop is. It's a waterslide, and it is NOT custom built (built byyou). Build a couple demon drops at the front ofyour park. People will rush in, and they willlove it. REMEMBER to build a really really longque line!!!!!!!!!!!



Name someone Richard Tan and he will walk aroundthe park pickpocketing people!

Moving Grass/People

(Works best at Arid Heights) Make a LARGE squareand put 'NO ENTRY' Signs facing inward. Peoplewill walk in. When you have at least 75 people,use the ground tool to raise the ground up anddown. WATCH THE PEOPLE FLY!!!

Boxing Time

If you have guests that are really mad, then makea little box by rasing your land and it will givethat guest time to cool down and gain his/herhappiness and increase your ratings!!

Quack Or Pop

Click on a duck and it will quack. If you click on a balloon that is in the air flying away it will pop. Note: This doesn't help at all, it's just fun!

Custom Ride Music

To build a 'WINNER' (A Themepark) that is a winner follow these 20 very easysteps.

More Money Fast

Make all of your rides free. And then put your entrance fee way up high. More people will want to come to your park!

Avoid Making Intense Rides

Yes, we all know how much it sucks to make a totally awesome rollercoaster only to find out moments later that it's to intense for your guests, so here's 5 easy ways to avoid intensity:

Cut Grass Yourself!

Many people become frusterated because allHandyman ever do is cut grass! But hey, somebodyhas to do it. Guess what, that somebody can beyou! First of all, click on your handyman thenclick on his pointers ( what he can and can notdo, the picture is a hand pointed like a gun)change it so the handyman isn't allowed to cutgras. Now cut all of the grass you want byselecteing your lower/raise ground technique,click on the area you want to cut and presto, thegrass is neatly cut.

Guests That Never Leave

If you want to stop guests from leaving yourpark, but up a banner sign right infront of theexit from your park. Then click the No-Entrysymbol. Guests will not be able to go past thesign, however, this really makes your park ratingdrop, and makes the guests mad, NOT RECOMMENDEDAT ARID HEIGHTS!


To build a 'WINNER' (A Themepark) that is a winner follow these 20 very easy steps.1.Never borrow debt from the bank unless you absolutely need it.2.Always, Always, Always when you borrow debt make sure you pay it back because after you pay it in, you earn bundles, and bundles more than you did before and even faster than you did before.3.Space your food stands away from each other, and never charge over $4.00 for them otherwise you will lose buissness.4.Everytime you build two rides then charge $5.00 more to enter the park. But if you build a roller coaster that people like then you can automaticly charge $5.00 more for the entrance fee, But if it sags low in the crowds demolish it and do not charge the $5.00.5.Always give your attractions 'Names'.6.Put a bench near a ride that has a high nasea or high intensity rated rides.7.Put a bathroom after every ride you make or almost every ride you make.8.give your attraction a theme and give it a cool name to go with the theme.9.Put benches and trash cans next to food stands and be sure to space them.10.To make some of your attractions have a better excitement rating on a ride higher make it under ground or parts of it underground. But remember not all attractions can be put under ground.11.Make you rides play music but not all the rides as it might be disturbing to your guests in the park.12.Also if you can paint your attraction do it definitely it attracts crowds.13.Try making twin roller coasters and add a racing mode to them.14.Always test your rides before you open them.15.Make sure to put lots of scenery in your park.16.Break your park into sections.17.Be careful not to get hooked up into a certain type of ride and add lots of variety to your park.18.When you are in the icon in selecting what ride you would like to build--look down to where it says other info--read that to get advice.19.Put alot of entertainers to improve your guests happiness.20.Build you way from the back of the park forwards.ADVICEThe best advice in the workd I can give you is just to have fun building in your park.

Invisible Trees

If your press Shift+$ at the same time it willmake the trees look practicly invisible.

Slow Go-Kart Driver

Enter 'Chris Sawyer' as a guest name to have them walk around and take pictures of your park.

Painting Guest

Enter 'Simon Foster' as a guest name to have them walk around and paint pictures in your park.

Waving Guest

Enter 'Katie Brayshaw' as a guest name to have them walk around and wave to everyone they meet.

Hungry Guest

Enter 'Melanie Warn' as a guest name.

Double Payment For Rides Guest

Enter 'John Wardley' as a guest name.

Faster Go-Karts

Enter 'Damon Hill' as a guest name. Enter 'Michael Schumacher' as a guest name to race even faster.

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We have no achievements or trophies for RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

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  • Angry guests

Click on a guest and leave it on for a long time. He will get very angry.
  • Artist guest

Rename a guest to Simon Foster. This will make that guest turn into an artist. | Submitted by TheBlackSnake
  • Balloon display

If you accomplish the mission on the level that you are on, and if you have a balloon stall, when your guests clap they will all drop their balloons and have to buy another one.
  • Better shop and stall placement

Put shops and stalls near the rear of the park, not at the entrance. Once tired and hungry guests have walked all the way to the back, they will be more than willing to pay higher prices for snacks. To get more people to buy from stalls, build a waiting line to the stand instead of a path. People will be mistake it for a ride. Note: Only use one stand per line.
  • Better Shuttleloop

Click on construction, delete everything until the end of the first loop, and make a flat piece. Then, add an on-ride photo section. Make it go up and add another loop. Next, make it go at the highest angle and click on the short turn at the top. Build about four to six of these and set the launch speed at 50 to 58 mph. This should make you over $2000 an hour and barely costs any money or time.
  • Clapping guests

Before you complete a mission go to a location that has a lot of guests. When the mission is over they will all start to clap.
  • Cleaner park

Place handymen outside roller coaster exits. Click on the handymen and the press the small blue footprints. Click the area you want them to stay in. This makes for a much cleaner park.
  • Cleaning paths

Simply place a new pathway over a dirty path to quickly clean it. To quickly clean your park without using more money to replace the path that is dirty, select one of your handymen. Even though it might not be as fast as just replacing the path, drop them wherever there are empty cans and vomit piles. This also works for emptying the garbage.
  • Easy money

Open a ride and as soon as it is full, double click on close to get the money the guests paid for the ride. When your park has enough money to afford all of advertisement campaigns, put all of them on. Then, hike the entry price to $50. Crowds will come swarming in because of the advertisements and will pay $50 to enter. This will result in quick and easy money. When in Dynamic Dunes go to the Dynamic Blaster roller coaster. Set the price to $3, wait until you get a very long line, then hike the price up to about $10. Every person in that line will have to pay $10 to ride. Note: Using a higher price may cause everyone to leave the line.
  • G Warnings

Did you know that if your vertical Gs on any roller coaster are too high they won't go on?
The U.S. limit is 3.0 Max vertical Gs, which I think the game has. If a ride has more, all guests will say 'Its too extreme for me'. | Submitted by Poyzinblud
  • Get rid of guests without dropping park rating

Build an underground path, let guests go on it, then delete it. The guests fall down into the ground.
  • Guest pays double the entrance fee

Before a guest pays to enter the park, rename it to John Mace. This will make that guest pay double your entrance fee. | Submitted by TheBlackSnake
  • Helping sick guests

Place plenty of benches near the roller coaster exit paths. Sick guests will sit there after the ride, allowing them to eventually feel better. Also place benches by snack bars. Pick up sick guests and let them sit like that for a while.
  • Hint

Dig a large hole and place a large amount of guests in it. Raise the water level to watch a mass drowning of guests.
Build a path that leads to an elevated platform or bridge. The platform or bridge should be several squares all around. Once you have lured a group of guests onto the platform, delete the path(s) that led them there to trap them. Underneath the platform, create a massive body of water (or you can create the large body of water first, then build a platform over it.). Delete the platform and everyone will fall into the water. Make a water slide. At any point that you can, have a sheer drop, normal drop, sheer drop, and normal drop again. Make sure it is an open track, and not a tube track. After the first drop, it will fly off the track and crash. Build the shuttle loop roller coaster and change the speed to 60 mph
to send the people on the ride soaring through the air and then crashing to the ground. Build the shuttle loop roller coaster and increase the speed to 60 mph. The coaster will launch off the track. Research until you get the Steel Coaster or Corkscrew Coaster. Build a station, and then behind it, build a sheer incline with a chain. Put a sheer incline at the other end of the station to make the coaster appear to come back down. Set the mode to reverse-incline and open it. The coaster will go backwards up, and when it gets to the last track it will continue to be pushed by the chain and be forced over the edge of the last track.
  • Hint 2:

To kill guests on any roller coaster, make it go high up, drop down, then up again. When it goes up again, do not build a crank. End the roller coaster. Make it so there are as many trains as possible, but with only one car. When the roller coaster goes down, it will not make it up the hill, and will slam into the next car. It will then explode, killing the guests.
Make a shuttle launch ride, and for one part do not add any track. Make about four stations and ten track, and they will fly off leading them to their deaths.
To kill a guest, make a path and put in one hedge maze. Make it so hedges, etc. cover the exit. When there are a lot of people on it, delete the ride. Then, make water where guests are standing and they will drown.
  • Hint 3

Build a roller coaster with a very long waiting line and open it with a very cheap price. Wait until you notice that the ride is full. While people are waiting to ride immediately change the price to the highest to force them to pay. Note: People that do not have money will not pay and will leave the park. Build the Go Kart ride and create a very long waiting path. Make sure the price is free. Advertise your new ride. When you have a huge line, increase the price, but keep it under $10. Everybody who can afford it will pay that much. When the line dies down, lower the price back to free, and repeat.
Increase your sale of food and drinks by putting the shops on the exit portion of a ride. However, you must keep the prices at a reasonable price. You can also put the rest rooms there, and put a charge to use them. Build any ride which is popular (for example, Shuttle Loop) and make a very long queue. When the queue is full, raise the land directly
outside the entrance, blocking it. Then, raise the entrance fee to that ride very high, and to get out , the people have to pay to go on the ride to exit.
  • Hint 4

An easy way to get money very quickly is to open a roller coaster that you would price very high. Then, wait for the people to pay for the ride and get on. Pause game play, close the ride, open the ride, and the people that paid for the ride will get off very quickly so that more people can get on. Build a souvenir shop and set the umbrella price to $20 and people will buy it when it rains. Once the monorail is available to build, make a plot of land with a few paths linked together. Do not link these paths to any other path. Make sure this is enough to sustain about 20 to 40 guests. Build many rides and shops in this space that you do not have elsewhere in your park; perhaps repeat some of the rides people love (such as slides and shuttle loops). Hire a mechanic and a handyman (and an entertainer and a security guard if desired). It also helps to add some scenery. Then, build your monorail linking this secluded patch of land to your main park. Make sure the price of the monorail is reasonable, or you will be dealing with some unused rides. Guests will pay to get to your lovely patch of land, and they will have to pay to get out. When it rains, put out a lot of information desks or souvenir shops out. Set the price for an umbrella very high.
  • Increase Guest Happiness

Rename a guest to Melanie Warn. This will increase that guest's happiness level. | Submitted by TheBlackSnake
  • Increase park rating

Set your research to just roller coasters until you receive a steel or inverted steel coaster. Build a lot of power launched mode rolle rcoasters( such as the Shuttle Loop). This should increase your park rating and guest numbers. If you set the advertisements all at four weeks your money, park rating, and guests will all increase. Add five to seven additional handymen to your staff. Your park rating will increase dramatically by the next week.
  • Keep guests in park

To keep all your guests in your park, put a no entry sign at the entrance turned around so they cannot exit. After getting the required number of guests in your park, raise the land right before the exit/entrance to the park. Go to the entrance of your park and build a bridge. Then, make a hole under the bridge so the people will not get out. Get the desired number of guests into your park, then remove the piece of land at the start of your park entrance.
  • Keep ride's popularity

To keep a scary ride's popularity, delete a segment of track and replace it with the same item. The guests will be fooled into thinking that the ride has been improved and will continue going to it. If you change the color of any ride, guests will think it is a new ride and go on it more. When choosing a color for your roller coaster, do not pick green and orange. Guests will complain about it.
  • Killing guests

Build a roller coaster or a whoa belly tower. With the roller coaster, make it a power launch mode and make it fly off the track. Do not test it, just open. With the tower, build it up approximately three times and put it on full speed. Do not test it and people will fly off as they are on it. Make a shuttle loop roller coaster, have it power launched, with a speed of 60 mph. Create a large square of road. When guests walk on it, they will become stuck. When nobody is on a smaller square, delete it. When you have one or two of three squares remaining, build water on them to drown all the guests. Is there a money cheat for rollercoaster tycoon
To score a fast kill on a guest, click on desired victim, then select the pick up tool (resembles tweezers). Move and drop the guest in water. Put some water in front of an exit to a ride. All people that get on the ride will drown. Put water or a pit directly under the exit so people fall straight it and die or get trapped. It is an easy way to keep people in your park.
  • Luring guests

Put a 'No Entry' sign where you want guests. All your guests will rush into that location.
  • Make a guest hungry

Rename a guest to Tony Day. This will make that guest hungry. | Submitted by TheBlackSnake
  • Mega Park

Successfully complete all levels to unlock the Mega Park.
  • Photographer guest

Rename a guest to Chris Sawyer. This will make that guest become a photographer. | Submitted by TheBlackSnake
  • Pickpocket guest

Roller Coaster Tycoon 4 Redeem Codes

Rename a guest to Richard Tan. This will make that guest become a pickpocket. | Submitted by TheBlackSnake
  • Prevent guests from getting lost

In big levels such as Diamond Heights and Evergreen Gardens, build two to three Observation Towers. Less guests will become lost.
  • Rich Guest

Enter RICHARD BRANSON as a guest name for a rich guest.
  • Torture guests

Create an incredibly long path that leads to nowhere. When you have lots of guests walking on the path, delete a square at the beginning so that if they try to go back they will find themselves trapped. They will be forced to do nothing but walk back and forth endlessly. Wait until they are exhausted and have to go to the bathroom. When they cannot stand it anymore, add a couple of benches, one bathroom, and one restaurant. Watch how desperate they are to eat, sit, and use the bathroom. When they have used the bathroom and eaten and rested, delete the benches, restaurant, and bathroom. Watch them suffer all over again. Repeat every so often. For added fun, have paths lead to each other haphazardly, so they do not know where they are going. Make the paths cover the entire park area. The guests will be thoroughly confused, tired, and miserable. Open up a single bathroom at the end of a long, winding, zigzag path after several guests are running around holding their stomachs. Wait until they are all hunched over with misery and fatigue, then suddenly put up a cotton candy or popcorn stand (but do not wait so long that you no longer have any funds remaining). Suddenly, you will see all the guests walking around with cotton candy and popcorn. During the game you may encounter objectives that require you to have a certain amount of guests. Use the following trick to have fun
during the process and torture your guests. To keep your guests, make a hole at the 'Exit' station. All of your guests will fall into the hole and have no other option but to stay in your park. However, this will make your guests unhappy, hungry, etc. Raise a small area of land and put water all around it. Find the sickest guest in your park put them, on the land, and fill it up with entertainers. Build at least a 5x5 island with or without restaurants, bathrooms, stalls, etc. And after you do that, go through your guests, find some really mad ones, and put them there.
  • Trap guests

Is There A Money Cheat For Rollercoaster Tycoon

Buy construction rights outside of your land and immediately adjacent. Build a path in the air over that piece of land, and then lead it downwards to a main path in your park. Leave the path building window up. When lots of people are on the path outside your park limits, delete the path that they are walking on. They will fall onto the ground outside your park and will be stuck on one square of land. Note: Do not pick them up if you wish them to stay there.
  • Unlimited Cash

How Do You Get Unlimited Money On Rollercoaster Tycoon

Rename any guest to Big Bucks. This will give you unlimited money. |

Rollercoaster Tycoon Ipad Money Cheat

Submitted by TheBlackSnake

Rollercoaster Tycoon Ipad Cheats Money Generator

  • Waving guest

Rename a guest to Katie Brayshaw. This will make the guest wave. | Submitted by TheBlackSnake