Robin Hood Kodi Zip

Kodi third party Kodi add-ons are continually updating, and Robin Hood Tv Kodi add-on will always need to be on the latest version to continue to function correctly. If your Robin Hood Tv Kodi add-on stops working for any reason, try uninstalling the add-on and the corresponding official repository if it has one. Robin Hood Kodi Zip Download 64-bit; Robin Hood Kodi Zip Downloader; Update Ok i have updated Robin Hood in this update Little John should no longer make M&B crash (But now one of the options when you talk to him is 'surrender or die' I don't know why) and I have made new scenes for the treehut and the outlaw camps Enjoy. If there are any new.


Looking for a add-on that is made of some exceptional ‘posters’ and ‘playlisters’ ? Then you need to check out the Robinhood Project add-on.

As you can above it covers all areas of content that you may use different add-ons for. The robinhood project has becoming very very popular over the last few weeks and has seen a huge increase of users, I believe it’s only going to get bigger as more users want a ‘one stop shop’ where they can have all the great content to hand.

Check out our install guide below to get it up and running on your device today.

STEP 1. Highlight system.

STEP 2. Tab down and select File manager.

STEP 3. Now choose Add source.

STEP 4. Enter the following URL and press done once so.

Robin Hood Kodi Zip Code

STEP 5. Name it shadows and press ok.

STEP 6. Select system on your hom-screen.

STEP 7. Scroll down and choose Add-ons.

STEP 8. Select Install from zip file.

STEP 9. Choose the shadows zip folder.

STEP 10. Now select rhrepository, it will now install on your device.

STEP 11. Go to Get Add-ons.

STEP 12. Choose ShadowCrew.

STEP 13. Now select Video-ons.

STEP 14. Select RobinHood Project.

Robin Hood Download Windows

STEP 15. Hit Install.

Download Robinhood Pc

Head to your video add-on section where you can now start enjoying your newly added addition to your set-up.