Franchi Serial Number Lookup

Gauges: 6.5 Creedmoor,.308 Winchester, 6.5 PRC,.300 Win. Mag.,.350 Legend,.223 Remington,.22-250 Rem.,.224 Valkyrie. Based on the privacy legislation, Benelli Armi SpA, Franchi Division, owner of the processing of data acquired through this site, informs the user that this website installs third-party cookies, including marketing/profiling cookies. For more information, you can read the complete cookie policy. Stamped number: 055587 Base of Grip affixed with Phillips head screw – S.P.A. Luigi Franchi Brescia Made in Italy Butt Plate – S.p.A. L.FRANCHI brescia Barrel (Vented/Ribbed) Has Adjustable (Vented) Choke Stamped (gold tone) – Deluxe Hartford Conn. Poly-Choke w/settings for – MOD, IMP MOD, FULL, X-FULL, SLUG, IMP CYL.


Franchi Serial Number Lookup

Greetings Gents,
Was wondering if someone might have a clue what model long-recoil 28' 12g Franchi I've come into possession of? I've searched everywhere on the internet and haven't found any matches yet, although I'm guessing it's an ancient AL48.
I took it out to the skeet range today and the magazine spring popped out before I could chamber the first round! It appears the follower C clip let go and pushed it into the receiver. So, I had to pull that darn thing out of there while on the pad...pretty sorry situation... The spring was in pretty bad shape so I trashed it and just fed one round at a time...50 times. Good news was that it cycled/ejected fine and dandy!
However, I need to replace the spring, follower, and that C clip thing--a spring retaining ring? I guess as soon as I can figure out what kind of gun it is, I'll order it up from Numrich (e-parts). I'm guessing an old AL48, since it is long recoil?
Anyways, if anybody is still with me, here's the description of this antique, springless wonder...
1. The serial number stamped under the receiver, forward of the carrier says 24480. Yup, know it should have more numbers and a letter in front of it, but it don't. It looks like someone scratched their initials of 'HED' above it. (If your initials are HED and this is your old gun--little help!?)
2. Along the left side of the RIBBED barrel toward the receiver it says: S.A. LUIGI FRANCHI BRESCIA MADE IN ITALY.
3. Left side receiver says: S.A. Luigi Franchi (Brescia) Made In Italy in a script type of writing.
4. On the bottom of the stock drop (about 6 inches aft of the trigger--sorry, don't know what it's called) is a wine colored plug thing that says, you guessed it, the same exact thing! This plug has one flathead screw in the middle.
5. Along the right side barrel aft it says: STOEGER ARMS CORPORATION NEW YORK. Good, now I know it was imported after 1930...
6. Along the front right of the receiver, there are three stamps in the metal. From top to bottom:
a: some kind of crest with what looks like wings and a diagonal cross ?
b: a wreathed star with 'PSF' underneath it
c. a slightly smaller wreathed star with the word 'FINITO' underneath it.
Nothing else is stamped on this gun.
Painful, I know. I'd like to take a picture of this stuff and post it, but it's all such tiny print, I doubt I can get my camera to make sense of it! Anyways, any help you fine folks can provide, will be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance,

Now you can enter the serial number of your firearm and be directed to the correct schematic for it as well as order parts through our partners Brownells, Inc. and Midwest Gun Works. Additionally, you can see the approximate date of manufacture as well as being able to view/download an owners manual, choke tube information (where applicable and available) and product literature relevant to your firearm when we have the information available. We have recently added barrel information as well.

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Franchi Serial Numbers

Franchi Over Under Serial Number Lookup

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