Chip's Challenge is a game that I have always had a soft spot for. Back in 1992, I wanted an Atari Lynx so bad. I got one and ended up only getting four games for it. Batman Returns, California Games, Bill & Ted and the pick of the buck, Chip's Challenge! If you love Puzzle games, Chips Challenge is a game that will really test your mental skills. Thankfully, Chip's Challenge did make its way to PC as well as other platforms over the years.
The Chip's Challenge game, released in 1992 as part of the Microsoft Entertainment Pack for Windows, is a multi-level stone labyrinth, through which, overcoming many obstacles, the main character travels (let's call him Chip) - a cute little man whose task is to collect a given number of 'chips' in the allotted time period and get to the finish square. Chip's Challenge 1 Guides Jill of Trades's Guides This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. It is only visible to you.
A Puzzle Game With A Story
While this is a puzzle game it actually has more of a story than you would think. You play as Chip who is a bit of a nerd, but he really wants to join the Bit Buster Club. In order to do this, he must prove himself by going through all the challenges in the main member, Melinda’s Clubhouse.
Collect Them All
No, we are not talking about Pokémon here, but microchips. The idea of Chip's Challenge is that Chip needs to collect all of the microchips on each level and then get to the exit. The game actually has close to 150 levels so there is a lot of challenge to keep you here and occupied for a very long time.On the flip side of that, the levels despite being challenging are also quite small which is great as this is intended as a pickup and play style game. So, you can fire it up, play a level or two and then put it back down.
Watch Where You Step!
Each of the levels us full of hazards that Chip must deal with. These range from spiders to fire pits. Platforms and other moving things that you need to worry about. Each level puts forward a different challenge and it is up to you to figure out how to get all of the microchips and make it to the exit without dying.Part of what can help you with this is your boots. Chip can put on different boots that will let him pass through certain obstructions. I really like how while the game at its core is a puzzle game, there are also some more action-packed levels for you to deal with as well. It helps keep you on your toes and also prevent the game from getting too boring.
What Is The Point?
While there is a story in Chip's Challenge the main point of the game is all about getting the best high score that you can. Also, there is a time limit on each level so you are also racing against the clock. I found the game to be very challenging as a kid and when I played the most recent version that was on Steam, the game is still really hard! The difficulty though I feel is fair and I did find myself wanting to beat my times and high scores so they clearly did something right
Chip's Challenge I feel is one of the more forgotten and underrated puzzles games of the 80s. While I have very strong nostalgia feelings for the Atari Lynx version. The PC version is the way to go. It is easier to see what you are doing and the game is just more fun all around. If you like puzzle games, Chip's Challenge is well worth giving a try.
- The old school graphics have a lot of charm
- There are close to 150 levels
- The controls are much better than you would think
- It even has some more action-based levels
- Some of these puzzles are really tough
- Some levels are really, really tough
- A few folks may struggle with those retro visuals
priestguy의 댓글
차그 (coordinates 68, 20 in Nazmir) summons the arachnid 루실레 that you must fight during the challenge. Lucille drops 두루마리속박 비단거미 장갑 for cloth wearers the first time you kill it.Chip 27s Challenge 2019
varenne의 댓글
차그's Challenge rare is located in Mangrove Shore 나즈미르 on Zandalar isle.Chip S Challenge
Chip 27s Challenge 2020
You will have to kill 루실레Chip 27s Challenge Results
For TomTom users/way Nazmir 68.10 20.23 Chag's Challenge (speak with Chag to summon Lucille)
Main post about Nazmir rares here: 나즈미르의 모험가
Smithfan의 댓글
Possibly a reference to Chip's Challenge, the 1989/1995 top-down platformer의 댓글
Hi allOn This WQ You need to kill 루실레. But at first you need to speak with 차그 and He will summon 루실레.
See My Video if need it -
Hope that help You :).
Beace의 댓글
This WQ can sometimes bug out. Chug will stand there but you cannot communicate with him to trigger Lucille to spawn. Switching shard will most likely solve the issue. This can be done by turning on/off warmode, or joining a group from another shard.GhoulGreybeard의 댓글
Working as of today - Nov. 17, 2020Kallie의 댓글
Went after a server reset and got it done. WM off, no WQ up, no server switching needed.루실레 처치 (1) |
퀘스트 완료 시 보상:- 75탈란지의 원정대 평판
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댓글을 달 때에는 다음과 같은 사항들을 기억해 주십시오:- 어떻게 댓글을 써야할지 모르시겠나요? 저희의 댓글 가이드를 확인하세요!
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- 와우헤드 루터 (Wowhead Looter)라 불리는 애드온을 유지하며, 이는 여러분이 게임을 하는 동안 정보를 수집하는 역할을 합니다!
- 그렇게 수집한 정보를 와우헤드에 업로드해 저희의 데이터베이스 정보를 최신으로 유지합니다!
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