It’s an excellent write-up: Flash e-series CIC to v41 software, BMW Apps without FSC
This is for ECE/US CIC, not for Asian variants.
Hello everyone, I need some urgent help after WinKFP failed after trying to update the EGS module. Errors: 2089 - Switching programming mode failed. Security access denied. 2083 - Prepare flash download failed. I have already tried fast baud rate and unchecking 'test checksum'. Sep 03, 2015 BWM ICOM ISTA-D/P Rheingold engineering software WinKFP. BWM ICOM A2+B+C emulator or cheap BMW INPA K+DCAN cable. Step 1: Set up Winkfp and import Sp-Daten files. 1) Download SP-Daten to your PC in order to update WinKFP databse with the daten files. Here is the free SP-daten V50.2 free download resources. Make sure download all files.
How to flash E-series CIC to V41 and get BMW Apps without FSC:
Prequisities: You must know how to use WinKFP. You also must have some knowledge about WinKFP expert mode. Interface must be ICOM A + B(or OP(P)S). No matter what you read from internet or hear from someone else, K+DCAN cable can not be used. Do not even try, it will fail for sure.Also your Ediabas must have all files for flashing modules. There is no need for WinKFP ecu-files. I recommend you to download (v41 or post) sp-daten and do “update sp-daten” with bmw coding tool.
Update must be done module by module. Correct order is 63, 62, A0. All modules can be flashed with MOST_ASYNC_ab625.
Download included package and extract it. CIC has three modules: 63, 62 and A0. 63 and A0 is the same for all chassis models so there is just one folder for each. 62 (gateway) has a different software for every chassis model so correct folder must be chosen. Chassis models are E60 (including E60, E61, E62, E63), E89 (including E8x and E9x) and E70 (including E70 and E71). Choose correct folder for 62.
Copy three folders (develop_63, develop_62_exx, develop_a0) to c:ec-appsnfsdata
There are three modules to flash. 63 is the first one. Go to c:ec-appsnfsdata and rename “develop_63” to “develop”.
-Configure ICOM for MOST_ASYNC_ab625
-Open WinKFP
-Select expert mode
-PABD = 08010408CI63F1.ipo (be carefully, do not choose CM63)
-P-SGBD = 33CI63F1_10.prg (be carefully, do not choose CM63)
-ECU-adress = 63
-Data = A9257174
-Program = 9257170
-NAAB = H020270_0202J5
WinKFP will complain about incorrect files and other things when you select the files, just ignore the complaints.
Now select done and you will get back to main menu. Now everything is ready for flash (also you have power supply connected, ignition on and cd/dvd removed from CIC). At this point you can turn on windows task manager (taskmgr.exe) because WinKFP progress meter will not work when flashing cic. Select “Program NAAB” and bootloader flash starts. CIC goes to bootloader mode and fan spins at full speed, this is normal. Screen shows bootloader picture or turns black, depending on old firmware version. Now you must be patient because the meter is not working. It will go to 100% and do all kind of things, just wait until “bootsector update finished” appears. Next select program program. Same precautions for this, it takes around 30 minutes to flash 63 program. After program programming has finished, select program data.
Bmw Winkfp Daten Files
Now you have flashed 63. Next you must flash 62. Go to c:ec-appsnfsdata and delete develop folder. Then rename develop_62_exx to develop. Go back to list on 63: on this guide. Configure WinKFP just like on that list, except change three bolded 63’s to 62. Also select new data, program and NAAB files. If you did the folder swap (delete develop folder, rename develop_62_exx -> develop) correctly, there are just the correct files available. Select done and perform flash in the same order: NAAB, program, data. 62 is quite fast to flash, maybe five minutes for each part.
Bmw Inpa Ediabas Ncs Expert Tool Winkfp
Now you know how to do this. Only difference is that A0 has only program, not data or NAAB. Delete old develop folder, rename develop_a0 to develop. Go again back to list on 63 on this guide, change three bolded 63’s to A0. On this module you can’t select data or NAAB, just select program and then select done. Choose program program. It takes around 30 minutes to program A0. After this, you have flashed your CIC to v41 and will get FSC-free BMW Apps.
After programming, code your CIC with NCS Expert.
I hope that this helps someone
Winkfp E90